Barely a Book Club

Teetering on the edge of a normal book club

Into the Wild 4/28/07 April 23, 2007

Filed under: Into the Wild — antof9 @ 11:42 pm

This week we will begin and end “Into the Wild”. So if you have been waiting to read and discuss this book you can’t miss this week. Also, to all those out there that have contemplated not reading it, I encourage you to give it a try. I have been pleasantly surprised by this book and am eager to finish it.

We are bringing back the Cereal Exchange for this week!! Shanda has graciously allowed us the use of her home for this week (directions will be emailed). Everyone needs to bring a box of their favorite cereal. Shanda will provide “milk, juice, tea, coffee, bowls and spoons…and marshmallows without which no cereal is complete.” See you at 10:30.


Movie Night 4/21/07 April 17, 2007

Filed under: Movie Night — antof9 @ 7:54 pm

Hope everyone is having a good week! While this week is Movie Night week those that attended BBC agreed that we will only spend one week on “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer. So be prepared to have the whole book read by the 28th.

We talked briefly last Saturday about the movie choice and so I will get Suicide Club, but if someone wants to bring another movie that’s fine with me!

We can meet at my new place (don’t go to Amie’s house, or she will be VERY surprised). Let’s meet at 7:00 this Friday night. If people could post if you are coming that would be great. I will email directions to my house. If you are not on the email list post and send me an email and I will include you in the directions.

Hope you can make it!


Kafka’s shipping out 4/14/07 April 11, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — antof9 @ 6:51 pm

Welcome back everyone! Well this is the last week of Kafka on the Shore. I’m excited to read it…one day. Let’s meet at Scooter Joe’s this Saturday at 10:30.

Following our new schedule we should be taking a break on the 21st. In the interim, we have been known to have a movie night. Is anyone interested in doing that?? And since there are no movies that correspond with this book, does anyone have a movie suggestion?

Have a great day!!

Scooter Joe’s
726 Lincoln
Denver, CO


We are NOT meeting this week. April 5, 2007

Filed under: Kafka on the Shore — antof9 @ 12:30 am

Post from Ant:
Just Ant and IL today, but we actually talked about the book.  A good time was had by all 🙂

There was speculation on whether or not all the loose ends will be tied up at the end of the books or not.  Or, even if it’s not a nice, neat package, if we’ll at least understand anything of the individual stories at all … like the children, the plane that may or may not have been a plane, etc.

We talked about how the military inquiry into the episode with the children was dropped after the letter the teacher wrote, and whether or not Nakata seems to be a little smarter the longer he’s away from his home.  At minimum, he’s definitely not saying how dumb he is as much anymore.  We both chuckled at the short bit on feminism (where Oshima revealed his/her true self), but also wondered why the author chose only that one scenario to talk about feminism in the whole book.  An odd choice, we agreed.

There was also a very brief discussion (by Ant’s car) about all the boy characters we’ve read recently — Kafka in this one, Oskar in Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, and also Life of Pi.  Another commonality of these books is the whole “did that really happen” phenomenon.  We didn’t come to any conclusions; just found it intriguing.

We’re suggesting that perhaps BBC not meet on April 7, give everyone a chance to the finish the book, and close it up on on April 14.  However everyone wants to work it is fine with today’s 2 attendees; neither of us can be there on the 7th.

It was a beautiful sunny day in downtown Denver, with road construction (or something) everywhere.  Looking forward to finishing this book, and hopefully figuring it all out.

 — Ant

So what do you think? Should we meet this week or not?