Barely a Book Club

Teetering on the edge of a normal book club

The End of Emma July 23, 2008

Filed under: Emma — antof9 @ 1:00 pm

We will be finishing up Emma this week (July 26th). Let’s meet at the House of Commons.
Umm…does anyone remember what we were going to read next??


Emma, endearing or a complete jerk? July 9, 2008

Filed under: 1 — antof9 @ 6:05 pm

Hello fellow Jane Austen adventurers. Hope everone had a fabulous Fourth of July and got plenty of reading done 🙂

As I read Emma I often wonder if a language barrier is causing me to think more poorly of Emma than I ought to. Some of things that “come out of her mouth” seem completely terrible and insensitive, but no one reacts to what she says. This leads me to believe that I just don’t understand the language as well as I should. Or maybe they were just so shocked by her answer they couldn’t answer appropriately. Anyway…

We are meeting at Wystones Tea located in Belmar. It’s located near the non-Alameda entrance to Dick’s Sporting Goods, or near Yankee Candle. Please read to Part III.


Jane Austen Book Club July 2, 2008

Filed under: Emma — antof9 @ 1:26 pm

Just an update for everyone we will not be meeting this week. So have a happy 4th.
We will be meeting again on the 12th and be prepared to have read through Part II. Wow I sound like a teacher!

Have a great vacation children and don’t forget your papers on “What I did over Fourth of July Vacation”.